
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

How To Earn Recurring Revenue From A Paid Membership Website

Paid Membership Website

Paid Membership Website

Get the secrets to earning recurring revenue with a paid membership website. In this article you will discover how easy it is to make profits from having your very own membership site.  Making profit is easy, you charge for your content on a monthly basis. You charge for access to your forum blog or newsletter, or all 3. You also place advertising on paid membership website in the form of Ppc advertising such as Google Adsense or Adbrite advertising you can also promote digital products on your paid membership website.


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Why Start a Paid Membership Website


You can charge a membership subscription for access to the blog on your paid membership website on a daily, weekly, monthly subscription, you can charge via PayPal or Google checkout or whatever payment processor you want to use. As it is a blog you can write articles about your chosen niche and actually integrate Ppc advertising and also banner advertising into the blog, this will generate additional revenue. You can also link to affiliate links, whenever you are linking to a product, try and see if there is an affiliate program, this way you can make commission if any of your users buy the products that you are promoting.


Charging for access to your Paid Membership Website Forum


You can also charge for access to the forum on your paid membership website, you can have different levels of membership you can for example have a premium package which allow your users with this package to be able to post links, pm other members, start new threads and even access a premium area of the website just for gold members. You can also, if you are using vBulliten forum software on your membership website as the forum management service, you can use a plug-in which turns chosen links into affiliate links, so when your users are actually mentioning certain products and links they are turning into affiliate links automatically making you more profit. You can also place advertising on your forum in the form of Ppc and banner ads.


Charging for access to your Paid Membership Website Newsletter


You can charge a monthly subscription for your newsletter on your paid membership website and your newsletter can contain a free ebook or even a link to a video or more premium content if needed, so it doesn’t need to stay as a newsletter if you don’t want it too. You can also insert affiliate links and place certain banner ads, mainly the types of banner advertising that you sell privately which can be done if you target the right potential advertisers.


Charging for access to your Paid Membership Website Forum and Newsletter


This is the hybrid option for a paid membership website, charging for everything! You can do this in many ways, you can charge either individually at different levels, for example gold forum $8 per month, gold blog $6 per month and gold newsletter $4 per month (For example) or $15 a month all together, this way you can offer a package deal. The pricing obviously depends on the value of your content, you could then give the users the option to either have silver and bronze also, with different levels for each package and you could even allow the users to mix and match what packages they choose, for example, Gold forum, silver newsletter and bronze blog subscription, this way you can always up sell to the users too, you can even charge per post or per video if you are offering webinar or coaching videos, you can offer users exclusive access to them if they buy higher monthly subscription packages.


Profiting from Advertising on Your Paid Membership Website


You can sell advertising on your paid membership website, you can find products that are suitable to promote in your niche, content the webmasters or owners of these products and you can actually start to promote their banner advertisements on your forum, blog or newsletter for a monthly fee.


Profiting from Affiliate Links on Your Paid Membership Website


You can promote affiliate links on your paid membership website by just writing a review of the product, tell the user how useful it is, explain why they need to buy it, give tutorials on how you have used that product in a certain way to help you and try and convince the user to buy it and this will in turn earn you affiliate commission.


Getting Started with Your Paid Membership Website


Here is a very quick, fast track method to get started on your paid membership website. There is profit to be made in any type of membership site, obviously if you want to do it quick then I would suggest creation a newsletter, design a 1 page website explaining the features and benefits of joining the site, tell the users they will get a daily, weekly or monthly newsletter exclusively via email that will help them with whatever problem there having or.. Will tell them exclusive content about a certain niche there interested in.


Start a newsletter on Your Paid Membership Website


A newsletter takes less than 5 minutes to set up, honestly, once you have set up a newsletter, you need to write the first newsletter email which the member will get once they have signed up for the service. You need to be polite, thanking them for joining the service and promise them that they have made the right choice and to stay tuned for some great emails packed with insightful information in the future.


Create a 1 Page Website On Your Paid Membership Website


All you need is a 1 page landing page explaining why the potential customer needs to sign up to the newsletter, give out say 15 x 1 month free trials to people who are interested in the niche and then make them in exchange give you a review of the product, this way you are able to instantly put 15 quality, authentic reviews on your website.


How to Create Buzz About Your Paid Membership Website


You need to instantly hit Twitter, Facebook, Stumble upon, Digg, Reddit and all the other usual social sites and start blasting your membership site around the online social sphere as if you are wanting to fast track your success you need to act quick!


Let Someone Else Do the Work on Your Paid Membership Website


If you want things to be done quickly then you need to outsource your work, use services such as and pay $5 for work such as video creation, voice over work etc...

By outsourcing your work, you can focus on your content and planning the marketing strategy and growth of your membership website and you can leave it down to other people to crack on with design and development.

The thing is if you worry about it being expensive then it most certainly will be, you need to find the best deals possible and well, if you use services such as Fiverr then you will be keeping the costs down to start with.

This article gave you a few ideas of how to setup and build a paid membership website. To learn more ways to build your own profitable paid membership website, click on the link below.


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 How To Earn Recurring Revenue From A Paid Membership Website

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